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Abortion is on the ballot this year

Vote Democratic


Don’t forget to vote in the run-off election for your pick on Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Harris County

Help Us Keep Harris County Free 

At the Harris County Democratic Party, we’re proud to join with people from 145 different countries to call the most diverse county in the nation our home.

For us, Harris County is the place where our kids grow up, our parents grow old and wise, and our friends and neighbors live, work, and play. 

And in election after election, our families, friends, and neighbors continue to return local Democrats to office. They support Democrats because they trust our leaders to fight for their most basic human rights.  And for our right to live freely in the place we call home.

But lately, extremist Republicans are targeting our home. 

Threatened by our diversity, by our embrace of differences, and by our belief in basic human rights, these Republicans — desperate to hold onto power — are engineering a ruthless takeover of Harris County: our schools, our elections, and our right to home rule.
They must be stopped.
At HCDP, we need your help. 
Join the fight to protect your rights!

It's The Work:

Let's turn Texas blue y'all! Join our Team HCDP as a Precinct Chair, volunteer to call voters, or help us knock on some doors. Every action you take makes a big difference.

We aim for social justice and equality by creating an economy that benefits hardworking families, providing quality education for all, ensuring healthcare for every American, and fighting for individual liberty.
Economy for Everyone

Our tax system is rigged in favor of big corporations and the wealthiest 1 percent. These privileged few can avoid paying their fair share while middle-class families shoulder more and more of the tax burden...

An Economy that Works for Everyone

Education For All

Our current school finance system is broken. It leaves our schools - urban, rural, and suburban - underfunded, threatening the livelihoods of the next generation...

A Good Education for All

Healthcare for Every Americans

We adhere to the affirmation of the Declaration of Independence that life is an unalienable right. To that end, President Barack Obama signed the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2010 ...

Healthcare for Every American

Live and Let Live

The Democratic Party believes in liberty. We define liberty by what you can do, not by what you can keep others from doing. We believe that your life shouldn’t be thrown off...

Live and Let Live

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